TOM FORD Shade and Illuminate 01 Intensity One

I can definitely be a bit of a lemming some times, so when I saw the lovely Lulabell Harron using TOM FORD's Shade and Illuminate in her Daenerys Targaryen inspired tutorial, oooh I really wanted it! :)

I think it's one of the best on YouTube!

So onto my pretty...
TOM FORD Shade and Illuminate 01 Intensity One

The shimmer is so fine, It's almost like a glowy sheen.

Swatched lightly: this is probably similar to the amount you'd actually apply to the face.

Swatched more intensely.

This is ridiculously expensive, but if you can get to a TOM FORD counter and see a colour that would be right for you, then the investment would be a wise one!  So many contouring products just end up looking 'off' or too harsh, but this colour can look natural on even my pale skin when applied lightly.  
The 'illuminate' aspect is the hero half to this duo though.  The highlighter is so beautiful on the skin, it's not frosty or glittery at all.  The consistency is kind of strange though, quite thick, almost waxy?  So it doesn't dry down on me, but stays looking dewy, which ultimately brings more light to the planes of the face you want accentuating anyway!  I really like the consistency, but it isn't a common one for this type of product so I would recommend you try it out yourself.

- Kerry.


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