Lush Kitchen: Pooh Stix Bath Ballistic

This was actually my first Lush Kitchen purchase and since I don't have a long history with using Lush products, it was a blind order for me.

As it was my birthday when these released online, I was feeling flush and decided to order three.

I could smell them through the box!
They were described as spicy, with licorice and cinnamon, but I don't think I was prepered for just how strong they were!
I had to put them in a box within a box in my room as the scent was so overpowering.


One cold night I decided to use one for a bedtime bath.
Once in the water, I did find the strong scent therapeutic.
Cinnamon sticks floated out of the fizzing ballistic - it looked very cool!

It was like taking a bath filled with twigs.
After a while they did annoy me so I had to fish some of the bigger bits out.
If you want to avoid blocking your bath then you should probably sieve them out before you pull the plug or even place the ballistic into a sieve and run it under the tap to catch the cinnamon pieces in the first place.

I didn't end up using my other two bombs and it was a lesson learned in not letting the name of something sway you too much!

- Kerry. 


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