On Tuesday 18th March, myself and Roxy set off from her flat at 6:50 am towards the Arndale Centre in Manchester, hoping to be one of the first in line for the Disney Store release of the second set of Frozen Limited Edition Dolls. We hugely underestimated the demand, as when we got there at 7am there was already a queue of about 15 or so people, with more people arriving just as we did. Luckily there was a disney store cast member stood behind the store shutters explaining that they had only received eight dolls and they had already been sold (to the first eight people in the line). There wasn't much point in staying so we headed back to Roxys flat ready to try and snag a doll when they went on sale at 9am via the disney store website.
It seems as if when the dolls were supposed to go live for sale at 9am, the UK website completely crashed. There was an allocation of just 500 of Anna and Elsa dolls for the whole of Europe. It seems that despite the UK website crashing, most of the other european websites managed to get a lot of orders through, some speculating that certain countries were able to order before the 9am release too.
By the time the product pages for the dolls loaded for myself and Roxy, both dolls were showing as Sold Out :( It got to about 10am when I was tired of refreshing the page and was going to call it quits. I went to make a drink, came back to the iPad, refreshed the page out of habit and would you believe it, Anna was showing as in stock! I added her to my bag, though when I clicked checkout, she disappeared! This happened a few times to both me and Roxy, at one point Roxy had both dolls in her bag!
At about 10:30 I seemed to have succeeded and placed an order for an Anna doll, then about 20 minutes later so had Roxy. We received no confirmation emails of the order, though the money was showing as a pending transaction in my bank account. Later on that day I rang disney customer service, who assured me that the order had been placed.
It was an anxious wait to see if I would actually be getting the doll, as I'd read tales of cancelled orders in similar situations. A few days later I got a confirmation of dispatch email from the disney store and then a tracking email from Hermes.
On Monday 24th March, six days after ordering, my Anna doll came :)

- Kerry.
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